
Minerals in Egypt, from Naqada to Alexandria

Minerals in Egypt, from Naqada to Alexandria


T. De Putter & C. Karlshausen. — Foreword....................................................................                7

T. H. Greiner.  — Re-examining the Implications of Lapis-Lazuli in Egypt's Predynastic Period................................................              13

Y. Tristant. — Exploitation de la malachite et pistes désertiques dans le Ouadi Araba (désert oriental, Egypte)................................................................              29

Y. Gourdon & — Trois réflexions autour de l'albâtre calcite et de son extraction à Hatnoub au IIIe millénaire av. J.C.................................................................................              57

A. Mansour. — A Probable Production of Ox-hide Ingots during the Middle Kingdom in ANcient Egypt: Iconographical Perspective.......................................................................................              89

L.D.R. Kuijper. — A Boring Story: Stone Drills from al-Shaykh Sa'id / Wadi Zabayda...........................................................................              105

D. Galazzo. — Quartzite (Silicified Sandstone) Quarries in Egypt............              123

M. Odler. — What Type of Bronze was Ancient Egyptian hsmn?.....................................................              143

J.C. Moreno Garcia. — In Search of Coveted Goods: Minerals, Private Mining and Trade in Bronze Age Egypt..........................................................................            175

S. Baumann. — "Tears of the Gods": Some Fundamental Remarks on the Ancient Egyptian Worlds of Minerals......................................................            201

J. Oller Guzman. — Emerald Extraction and Processing in the Egyptian Eastern Desert: Recent Data coming from the Archaeological Work in the Wadi Sikait Area.....................................................................................................            215

M.A. Cobb. — Reconsidering the Role of Gemstones in the so-called Indo-Roman Trade...............................................................................            241

P. Pensabene & E. Gasparini. — Trade of Marble Statues in Alexandria......................................................            263

M.-D. Nenna. — Egyptian Glass Production and Trade between the Seventh Century BC and the Ninth Century AD.......................................................................            287

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