
THYS, E.: Role of Urban and Peri-Urban Livestock Production in Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Africa

THYS, E.: Role of Urban and Peri-Urban Livestock Production in Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Africa
Boek XXVI Aflevering 1 (112 pp., 14 fig., 14 tab., 2006) CONTENTS 1. The General Context of Urban Livestock Production 1.1. Urbanization in the World and in Africa 1.2. Urban Agriculture as a Response to Urban Food Security 1.3. Preliminary Observations and Considerations 2. Urban Livestock Production 2.1. Historical Facts and Evolution 2.2. Urban Livestock Farming Systems in Africa 2.3. Socio-economic Aspects 2.4. Constraints, Effects and Issues 2.5. Opportunities and Assets 3. Urban Livestock Case Studies 3.1. Conceptual Framework 3.2. Survey Design 3.3. Results 4. General Discussion 4.1. Role of Urban Livestock as Survival Strategy and the Effect of Conflicts 4.2. Technical Constraints on Livestock Production in Urban Zones 4.3. Veterinary Public Health and Human Nutrition Issues 4.4. Opinion of the Stakeholders on the Positive/Negative Effects and on the Future of Urban Livestock 4.5. General Framework for Integrating Livestock Production into Urban Planning 5. Conclusions 6. Recommendations 6.1. Urban Planning 6.2. Technical Aspects 6.3. Veterinary Public Health Bibliography Appendix
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