What Ever Happened to the People? Humans and Anthropomorphs in the Rock Art of Northern Africa, Librairie en ligne de l'ARSOM
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What Ever Happened to the People? Humans and Anthropomorphs in the Rock Art of Northern Africa

What Ever Happened to the People? Humans and Anthropomorphs in the Rock Art of Northern Africa


F. Van Noten. — Introduction
A. Ewague & B. Hoarau. — Les anthropomorphes du Yagour (Haut-Atlas marocain): analyse de deux contextes remarquables
A. Rodrigue. — Les anthropomorphes du Haut-Atlas marocain: images d’une société hiérarchisée?
A. Zboray. — “Korossom Fantastic” and the Karnasahi Pastoralists, the Principal Rock Art Styles of the Eastern Tibesti
A. Louart. — L'empreinte humaine dans la vallée de l'oued Çayyad. Les gravures podomorphes
S. Searight-Martinet. — A Short Overview of the Representations of Humans in the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Rock Art of Morocco South of the High Atlas
A. Rodrigue. — L’homme et l’inscription des Azib n’Ikkis (Haut-Atlas marocain)
J. Ben Nasr. — A propos d’une association de l’homme et du bélier orné sur une gravure de l’abri de R’mada (Jebel Ousselat, Tunisie centrale)
S. Yahia-Achèche. — Les anthropomorphes dans les peintures et gravures rupestres de Tunisie: essai de classification
B. Fouilleux. — Diversité des représentations humaines dans les peintures de la Tassili-n-Ajjer (Algérie)
C. Dupuy. — Du port d’objets coudés au port de la lance dans l’Adrar des Iforas (Mali): la traduction figurative d’un important virage sociétal
M. Hachid & F. Chentir. — Des Noirs dans l’archéologie rupestre de l’Atlas saharien (Algérie), du Maroc présaharien et de l’Ouest saharien
C. Roubet. — Portrait du pasteur holocène en Algérie septentrionale d’après les représentations rupestres
J. Soukopova. — Similarity between Round-Head Paintings and Kel Essuf Engravings
A. Kelany. — Human Figures in the Aswan Rock Art. Recent Survey along the East Bank of Aswan City (Egypt)
F. Soleilhavoup. — Réalisme et symbolisme de l’image rupestre de la femme au
B. E. Barich. — A Discourse on Human Representations and Recognition of Gender Roles in North African Rock Art
M. Guagnin. — The Hunters and Herders of Shuwaymis: New Evidence for the Population Dynamics of the Neolithic Transition in Saudi Arabia
A.-M. & A. Van Albada. — Quelles informations tirer des représentations humaines dans l’art rupestre du Messak libyen?
Y. & C. Gauthier. — Nouveaux documents sur les milieux aquatiques au Sahara tchadien: le site d’Artchana II revisité
D. Coulson. — Rock Art and Body Decoration in Northern Chad
F. Förster & M.-H. Scheid. — Range and Categories of Human Representation in the ‘Cave of Beasts’, SW Egypt
A. Menardi Noguera. — Uweinat Roundhead: Body Proportions and Postures
A. Zboray. — Stylistic Variation of Representing the Human Figure in Uweinat Cattle Pastoralist Rock Art
S. Ikram. — Fat Ladies, Thin Men, Blobby People, and Body Parts: An Exploration of Human Representations in the Rock Art of the North Kharga Basin
P. L. Polkowski. — Feet, Sandals and Animate Landscapes. Some Considerations on the Rock Art of Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt
J. C. Darnell. — Homo Pictus and Painted Men: Depictions and Intimations of Humans in the Rock Art of the Theban Western Desert
D. Huyge. — The ‘Headless Women’ of Qurta (Upper Egypt): The Earliest Anthropomorphic Images in Northern-African Rock Art
S. Hendrickx et al. — Predynastic Human Representations: Two Sides of a Story
M. Nilsson. — From Epipalaeolithic Petroglyphs to Roman Graffiti: Stylistic Variability of Anthropomorphs at Gebel el Silsila (Upper Egypt)
G. Graff et al. — Figures d’hommes dans le wadi Abu Subeira (Assouan, Egypte): le proche désert investi
A. Brémont. — Studying People through Animals: Dating as a New Application for the Study of Animal Depictions in Naqadan Rock Art
A. Judd. — Rock Art Anthropomorphs in Egypt
F. Lankester. — The Predynastic ‘Dancing’ Figures
D. Eisenberg-Degen. — Thoughts on Why the Negev Rock Art, Israel, Turned towards the Non-Figurative
A. Solomon. — Body Images: Understanding Therianthropes in Rock Arts
A. B. Smith. — Masked Men, Therianthropes, (or Charlatans) in Saharan Rock Art?
D. Huyge. — Postscript.

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